Day 1 (sort of)

I’m a very reasonable girl, being a master student and all, I’m starting a blog instead of studying for the exam I might fail in 4.5 days. Oh well, what can you do?!
I have decided to write this blog in English, but it is not my first language, so please keep that in mind before you get pissed about my spelling or grammar errors (which I become all the time in my native language, I’ll work on that, promise), and there is always Google Translate..

I am closer to being 30 than being 20, but I have decided not to care about that since I’m not behaving my age, or spending time with many people my age. I live in one of Europe’s capitals for the moment, a city where I have lived for a little over three months now, for the previous mentioned studies.

I’m going to start this blog without telling you too much about myself, don’t know if I want my friends or family to see this yet, so at least I can blog while I figure that out (don’t ask).

Anyways, the reason I actually started this blog is to keep track of the progress I might be making at the gym. I’m no body builder nor severely overweight, just an average girls with a little more weight than needed.

I play a sport, which I will probably reveal quite soon, but not today, it is a physical demanding sport, so i also train for that.

I’m going to publish 3 pictures of myself, which were taken a few days ago (promise I don’t look much different now). I have removed my head from them, but don’t worry, it’s still connected to my body 🙂 Don’t know my weight at the moment, but I will tell you, dear reader, as soon as I know.

So here we go, I’m going to let you see what I rarely show anyone.



It’s not that easy taking full body ‘selfies’ but I did my best, and you get the picture, literally. So I hope you will follow me on this journey to hopefully become happy with my body, for maybe the first time in my life 🙂