Sunday Training

I had such a great time at the gym, I just have to write about it! 🙂

I went there thinking it would be an average work out, at most, but it was so great, I’m so happy about it!

I started out with intervals on the treadmill (after warming up), and did 10×20 sec with 10 sec break at 16 km per hour, which would be 10 miles per hour. The fastest I’ve ever managed to complete a set of 10 intervals.

The, I did squats, 3 sets of 6, increased the weight a little bit to 32.5 kg (71.65 lb). Slow and steady is better than fast and ruining my back!
Then I went on to the dreaded plank: 2 times 40 sec, and once at 30 sec. Can never become proper friends with that exercise.
Then I increased my ‘single arm row’ from 10kg (22 lb) to 12.5 kg (27.5 lb) and did 3 sets of 7.
single arm row

And ended the weights portion of the training with some triceps extensions, did 3 sets of 6 with 5 kg (11 lb).
triceps extension
Then I was supposed to do some ab exercises, but there wasn’t any room in that area of the gym. So I figured I could jog while I was waiting, went on the treadmill and presses ‘quick start’. It started counting down from 20 minutes. So I ended up jogging for another 20 minutes at the end of my work out, and IT FELT LIKE A PIECE OF CAKE, I’m actually getting a lot better. I’m so happy. I jogged 3.5 kilometers (2.2 miles) and it felt like I could have gone on and on for at least another hour. Such a great feeling!! I just want to go back to the gym and run again, but I know my body needs it’s rest, especially since I ignored the inflammation in my wrist today (taped it), and have had leg day every day since I went to the doctor.

I just can’ t stop smiling, so I’m sending a smile to you too! 🙂

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