Injuries suck!

I planned for this post to be about my training program, but went to the doctor today and she could inform me that I have inflammation in my wrists. Since I still have one more exam (number 6) she told me to try to take it easy, but not take any medication unless I really had to. Because if I did, I’d probably just camouflage the pain and inflammation, and carry on in this matter which has lead me to this point, and it would just come back after a couple of days.

But, as the creative person I am (once a year), I’m not going to give up, but the focus will be on the legs and core, and the dreadful cardio. So I managed to drag my very lazy post-exam-ass out and to the gym where I ran a little bit longer than last time,

Imageit’s getting better every time, and I’m kind of enjoying it, which I thought I never would. Also, I need to keep the intensity a bit down, not do all the fast intervals I usually do, because I pulled my hamstring, again. Will try to find a physiotherapist to stick some needles in the muscle, usually helps.
I also did squats and the plank, and did better than last time at the gym, but I’m sticking with the heading saying injuries suck! 🙂

Regarding the food, I’m still managing to keep away from the carbs. It has been a bit harder than I thought, but I’m going strong. The past two days I’ve been under 85 grams of cardio, and that’s while cramming for an exam. I’m proud of myself, but tomorrow is weekend, so we’ll see how that goes, I do love my beer..

ImageBut this really isn’t bad at all!

Time for sleeps, it’s been a really long day.
Have a good one 🙂

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