
Since I can’t sleep, and really should, I decided to write a post here about the changes I’m trying to make. These are changes in diet mostly. I have already changed a lot in my life, for instance I gave up nicotine 17 days ago, just a week before the first written exam. It is probably one of the stupidest and brightest ideas I’ve ever had. The first day without nicotine in 10 years was a nightmare, but I got trough it, and plan to stay this way πŸ™‚

Anyways, that’s not what I was supposed to write about, the changes in my diet:
I have heard and read a lot about people loosing a lot of water weight by switching over to a low carb diet. So I have decided to give it a go sort of, I want to reduce my intake of carbs, but not completely. But to test the theory of loosing a lot of weight fast, I’m going to go proper low carb the first week (if I can manage it). So that means I should keep the carb amount to somewhere between 0 and 150 grams. The first day is the hardest, and especially when I’m needing a lot of energy for school, work and training, but we’ll just have to see how it goes.

The first day is over, and this is what I ate:
Breakfast: cottage cheese, half an apple, a few almonds and walnutsLunch: oatmeal with half an apple and raspberries (the meal with the most carbs)
In-between-meal at work: Cottage cheese, blueberries and a few almonds and walnuts
Late dinner: Baked chicken fillet, baked cherry tomatoes, steamed broccoli and salad

To know how much I eat in calories, and in form of how many of these calories areΒ  from fat, proteins or carbs, I use an app I found a while back, names Fatsecret. It’s a bit of a hassle registering everything I eat, but it gives me a very good picture of what I have actually put in my body. And you can also access your account on the web site (might be easier to see things on a bigger screen).

So the first day of the low carb diet, ended on 36% carbs, 43% fat and 21% protein (which is too low). The amount of carbs in grams is 111, which is okay for a first day I guess. Will try to increase the protein portion over the next few days.

Wish me luck, and I’ll let you know how it goes πŸ™‚

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