Sunday aint no funday!

The day didn’t start out great, and 6 hours later I still haven’t accomplished anything. Sorry, other than going on the scale and weighing myself, not a pretty sight, but that’s gonna change now!

2013-11-24 10.38.34So theΒ  weight is 77.1 kilograms (169.9 lbs), with a height of 169 centimeters (5.54) it gives me a BMI of 27, meaning I’m overweight. But I’m not too concerned about the weight, it’s the measurements that are important, but being a poor and busy student I haven’t bought a measuring tape yet, hope to do that over the next few days.

The plan for this Sunday was to study and go to the gym. Since I’ve experienced lack of energy, I haven’t studied at all, I’ve been stuck on the coach or in the bed half a sleep. I’m going to go to the doctor to find out if I lack anything.

In an attempt to get something out of the day, I made some protein pancakes with blueberries, raspberries and some lean vanilla quark.

2013-11-24 15.38.12

It sort of worked, because I managed to drag my ass over to the gym and the treadmill. It took me 35 minutes to get 5 km on the treadmill, which is very okay for a day like this. At least I went to the gym, and didn’t just stay at home eating. Tomorrow will be a rest day, hopefully I will go back to the gym Tuesday, but we’ll see how the studying goes.

But not I have no more energy left, so have a good one! πŸ™‚

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